Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Yipee! Friends!

My friend Kelley is coming to visit on Friday. I cannot wait! I haven't seen her since we both were in Washington. My dad is coming in next weekend so I have been fall cleaning. I have been dusting every other day and couldn't figure out why. Found out today that my dryer vent had a hole in it so it was blowing lint everywhere. So took care of that (I am a wild woman with wire cutters). And I seem to have no clear train of thought with this post so I will just keep going. My thyroid has freaked out again so we are on another round of tests. I will find out Friday just how bad it is this time and weather it will be worth upping my meds once again. I wish there was an easier way to get this under control. A week until the girls go to school. I am excited and sad at the same time. My baby girl will be in real school. The grow up so fast. And on that note, Aiden has decided he is ready to crawl. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Then yells when he can't move. LOL Will has finals this week and I have been busy with Girl Scouts and the doctor. Hence me not posting much. Hopefully I will have lots of pictures from this weekend with Kelley and her boys and fiancee. We plan on hitting the beach. Maybe this year I won't flash all of Virginia Beach. Anyway, that is all for the moment. Tomorrow I go and recruit more girls for Girl Scouts, Thursday the girls meet their teachers and hopefully Pixie will be shaved. I will have to take before and after pictures of that. Here is a pic of Aiden enjoying one of his favorite pastimes, eating. LOL

Friday, August 26, 2005

Finger lickin' good

So we order a pizza last night and they come with free chicken wings. Aiden kept staring and yelling at daddy to give him some, so Will finally broke (can we say wrapped around the little finger?) down. Here is the end result. Now mind you before I get all kinds of e-mails yelling at me. he only licked it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Better days

Today was a better day for Mr. Crabby Pants. He has been sitting up on his own for 30 minutes at a time but nothing takes the place of his jumper. He loves sweet potatoes and cereal. He HATES peaches, I mean if you could see his face you would think that we gave him liver or something. Every other night he sleeps through the night so that is defiantly a plus. Mainly when he wakes up in the middle of the night he just wants to snuggle. He loves his sisters or should I say Aileen's hair. He is fascinated by it. He will grab handfuls of it and pull on it and chew on it. He only does it to her though. He likes to play peek a boo with her. Lauren, I think, terrifies him. She talks to him in this really high pitched voice that scares him. I am sure once he is mobil though, they will have a blast together. Bath time is a highlight for all of us. He splashes like there is no tomorrow. And he soaks everything. We have found water in the hallway from his kicking and carrying on.
Aileen is too smart for her own damn good. She is getting nervous about school starting. She is great at making friends but Aileen is so eager to have them, that they push her around (which is ironic considering how freaking tall she is). They tease her about her overbite, her height, her beauty mark, and the fact that she can answer every question given in class. I am hoping that they can get her moved into the Gifted Program rather quickly and that will cut down on the teasing a little. She is very excited to have the Brownie troop again and even more excited that I am her leader, she brags LOL. I am looking forward to it also. I can't wait to get started.
Lauren needs school. Or I should day that I need her to go to school. I know there will be many a note sent home about her talking. The girl does not lack social skills. She is getting excited for Daisy's to start. I am a little nervous as they are a younger bunch of girls. I am sure that we will do great though. She has asked for a hair cut before school and I am dealing with that. We will see when the time gets near.
Will is ready for the Navy and school to be over. He doesn't like having to cram time in with his family but we do a fair job of it. There are days that we don't see each other for morethen 5 minutes. He is still doing well in school and his supervisors are impressed with his work s ohe is doing something right. I am impressed with the surprise he has planned for Labor Day....Is there an epidemic where no one can keep a secret from me. The last time I remember a successful attempt was when my mom knew that my brother was coming out to visit before I had Lauren. That was nearly 6 years ago. LOL
And then there is me. I am now the Brownie Recruit Organizer, the service unit Cookie Chair and the co-chair for Fall Product sales. All for the girl scouts. Plus the 2 troops. Needless to say I will be very busy this year. Hopefully it will fly by and we can move home again. My mother was sweet enough *note sarcasm* to share there nice 54 degree morning. I know that we are supposed to honor thy mother but what is the rule on stringing her up by her little size 5's?
Anyway that is us for now. I am sure there will be more to share and pictures to see here soon!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

And we're off

Girl Scouts officially started back up last night. I am now the Service Unit Cookie Chair, Brownie Recruit Organizer, and Fall Product assistant. I really need to learn how to say no. LOL I am getting excited to start working with the girls again and getting to work with the Daisies also. So that is 2 troops and 3 Leader Support Team (LST) positions. That should keep me occupied. I am hoping that with all that I will be doing, it will help solve what I am now referring to as Aiden's mood disorder. He is only happy about 90 minutes a day. It I really getting hard to deal with. I love him very much and when he is happy, he is great, playful, sweet. But when he swings, it is horrible and nothing calms him. The doctor said that it is probably just teething but this is insane!
On a much better note, Will made the Dean's list. Attached is proof. LOL I guess both of us busting our butts to give him study time and all that jazz is working. I know that he appreciates it but there are some people who think that since I do not work outside of the home, I don't do anything. A comment was made the other day when Will mentioned that he has been busy with work, school, and the baby that pissed me off. The comment was "Doesn't your wife help you?" I will leave it at that!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

A lot of firsts

This week has been full of firsts for Aiden. First he decides to swipe Daddy's Pepsi and last night we took him to his first baseball game. We had a great time. Aiden flirted with anything and everything. Aileen and Lauren got to meet the mascot "Rip Tide" and get his autograuph!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Attack of the 2 foot monster

I was cooking dinner when I heard the blood curdling screams. My heart raced in a panic thinking that someone was hurt and badly. I round the comer.....It is Will yelling because Aiden has attacked him, literally. He was gouging eyes, gums, anything fleshy he could grab. My poor poor husband. Beaten down by a 5 month old....

In the Navy

Will started his TAP (Transitional Assistance Program) classes this week. Love the Navy and there hurry up and wait policy. He still has a year yet let him talk to job recruiters now? Yeah, that makes a WHOLE lotta sense! Oh well there is a bonus to this week and that is he is in working whites all week. YUMMY!

Thursday, August 11, 2005


I love my family. They are everything to me. But the Mother's Curse works and well. The day was fine for the most part. I transcribed Will's notes for his exam, played with the kids, spilled 56 ounces of Dr. Pepper on beige carpet, in all par for the course. After dinner (which I managed to not burn, dry out or under do) we go thru our insane routine. I am looking at Aiden and Will and damn. My husband will never be able to deny my son. At least I know what Aiden will look like in 22 years (only with red hair).

About an hour later, it comes to me that I haven't seen Aileen recently. I look all over, finally seeing that the bathroom light is on. I knock:
"you ok?"
"I'm reading'"
"Ok, well why are you reading in there?"
"It's comfortable"
"what is?" - and I open the door to find this! Yup, that's my girl, reading in an empty tub.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Sit boo boo, sit!

Aiden in the last 2 days has learned to sit on his own. Now we only do this for a few minutes at a time but we are good at it and VERY proud of ourselves! As evident by the look on his face! My boy is growing up so fast!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

An off day

Lauren was registered for Kindergarten yesterday and one of the requirements is they have to tie there shoes. I hope we have this accomplished in the next 28 days but I am not holding my breath! Aileen has been working with her.

And here are some rare pictures of Aiden smiling (these teething thing SUCKS!)

Friday, August 05, 2005

I this Love???

Hi everyone, it's Will!
I never thought I would be caught doing this, and I probably never will again. Any of you who know me know how much I despise the Bears, but my love for Morgan is just too big. So I decided to get on the computer while she was out with a friend and shock the world by showing the world that I am a sucker for my wife. She will probably send me to the hospital after seeing this for a mental checkup, but hay, she's worth it. Don't get the wrong idea, Packers are still my team. Go BEA.... I mean GO PACKERS!!!!!!

Groundhog Day

There is a reason I don't post daily. Have you ever felt like Bill Murray in the movie "Groundhog day"? Where everything is the same until you get it right? I am living my own groundhog day. Nothing much changes around here. No grand adventures, no time or money for grand adventures. So we sit in our little hole in the wall and patiently wait for the time (or our million dollar check from publishers clearing house) to go and do something, anything. Just to break the monotony of our everyday life. Do you think K-Mart has a blue light special on a life?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It begins

There are subtle things you notice in sibling rivalry. Like a handful of your daughters hair wrapped and tangled in your sons fingers....

I'm it.

Jenny tagged me with the question of what is on my night stand (thank you for it not being what is IN your nightstand)
1. TV and VCR remote
2. One of those super insulated cups you get from 7-11
3. A bookmark

That's it! I know, how exciting!