Sunday, June 14, 2009

You have got to be kidding me

Shortly after I wrote the last post, Will ended up calling 911 because I decided to go stiff, fall straight back, and start convulsing. Come to find out I had my very first seizure. After a few hours in the ER, I was able to go home but I am not allowed to drive or basically be left alone until I see a neurologist. This is where it gets sticky. The navy won't let me see one! They keep telling me that one seizure is not enough to warrant seeing a neurologist. Are you friggin kidding me? I'm sorry, my entire family saw me laying on the floor convulsing for over 2 minutes and I still was barely conscious when the firemen and the EMT's showed up. What more do you want? Will is terrified to leave me alone, Aiden thought he killed me, and I worry every day that it is going to happen again. I broke 3 toes, busted my elbow, bit my tongue straight through, and gave myself a concision on top of it all. Dear lord help me, how much more can I take?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Homeschool or not?

That is the question we have been debating all year. Our reasons are all good ones in my opinion (there are at least 4 pregnant girls at Aileen's school, Laurens was in lock down 3 times this year, and Fletcher's teacher didn't know until yesterday that he was autistic, not developmentally delayed) but there are also cons to this. The biggest being my sanity as I will take on the brunt of the work. With being in school myself will I have enough time to do it all? The boys' aids can help with homeschooling them but will I be able to challenge Aileen to the level that I know she is at. Then yesterday we get a letter stating that Lauren has another audition at ODC (artistically gifted academy) for dance. What to do if she gets accepted? I am not to worried about the socialization aspect of homeschooling. Anyone who has met my kids know that they are not in the least bit shy. I would love opinions and feedback from those who read us! And as an added bonus here are some pics of the boys with their "ladies"