Monday, February 26, 2007


My darling terror aka Aiden will be 2 on the 2nd. In less then 5 days. I can't believe how fast these 2 years have flown by. While he drives us to heavily medicate ourselves he can also be so sweet. This weekend he curled up with me on our bed and feel asleep watching cartoons. Or his newest fetish of raiding my closet. He loves shoes. So much that is what he is calling everything right now. He loves to take his Nemo push car and use family members to arrange an obstacle course. Last night Mommy was the over pass, Daddy was a road block and sisters were cones (Note to self: he is NOT to get a drivers license....EVER). He adores Aileen, could care less about Fletcher, and for some reason no one knows, can't stand Lauren. No really, she looks at him and he screams like he is being murdered! He is Mommy's boy and Daddy is his jungle gym. I can't wait to see what this next year brings with him. Potty training, more words to scream at ass, new ways to make Mommy lose what little brain cells she has left. Wish us luck and send liquor, lots and lots of liquor!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Family pictures

We went and had our family pictures taken today. What could have wound up a major disaster turned out very very well. Other then Aiden molesting the photographers boob that is. Here is the result!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Randon photos

I realized that there are no recent pics up! So here you go!

No really, anyone want him?

Deanna was nice enough to sit with Fletcher while Aiden and I ran to the store. He got a free cookie cause this store (Farm Fresh in case you are wondering) rocks. They even have a Starbucks. We do our shopping and they tell me my deli order will take a few so I go and get me my one true love. Venti Rasberry Mocha. OMG, orgasm in a cup. Get my coffee, get my deli order and go check out. We are standing in line and I am unloading the cart. Onions, milk, tomato sauce, all pass by. Then I here the words I dread. "uh-oh". Aiden had swiped the coffee off the belt and spilled it all over the floor. The coffee was full. Not anymore. He didn't get any on him, but covered mommies from knees to toes.

Toddler for sale

Adorable red headed 23 month old. Can be sweet when he is in trouble or wants something but has a tendency to engage in the following activities:
I will just cover today's events up to now and you will see why my toddler needs to be ebayed! Breakfast went fine. At 830 I feed Fletcher again and Aiden takes full advantage of when I feed the baby. Today he climbed to the top shelf of the linen closet (it is 7 shelves high) and got the extra deodorant that is up there. He proceeded to paint the walls and the stairs with deodorant. So I finish feeding Fletcher, clean up that mess and while I am cleaning that up Aiden climbs the cabinet on to the counter and proceeded to take the old coffee grounds out of the coffee pot and throw them around the kitchen. I clean that up and he climbs onto the kitchen table.
Must be a loving parent with no child younger then Lucife...I mean Aiden. Have big back yard and rubber room. Comes with toys and certificates of authenticity. Please contact ASAP if interested.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Straight jacket required

I have said it before and I will say it again. Boys are foreign creatures. They have search and destroy programmed into them. Here is an example for you. Today is payday. We also get our taxes back tomorrow. So it was time for a huge trip to BJ's (Costco/Sam's club type place). 2 kids and a warehouse. Right there I should have stopped. But no, I wanted to spend time with my family tonight, not be out braving the masses. The cart is getting heavier and heavier and Fletcher decides he doesn't want to sit, he wants to be carried. It went down hill from there. Aiden proceeded to reach behind him and start emptying the contents of the cart onto the floor. Dealt with that mess and managed to make it out of there with my sanity intact. Ran home, dropped off the massive amount of stuff it takes to feed and keep my family clean. Then it was off to Target and the grocery store. Again Fletcher insists on being held and now Aiden wants to be held as well. This is one of those times a third arm would be great. He is screaming, Fletcher is whinnying, and all I want is to get what I need and get the hell out. This very patient cashier tries to help me by putting the bags in the cart for me. Yeah, Aiden picked up and dumped the bags before I could get the word "NO" out of my mouth. Tonight we are going to try going out to dinner with the Bjorn clan (3 kids for them so 7 kids total). Wish me luck!