Monday, February 26, 2007


My darling terror aka Aiden will be 2 on the 2nd. In less then 5 days. I can't believe how fast these 2 years have flown by. While he drives us to heavily medicate ourselves he can also be so sweet. This weekend he curled up with me on our bed and feel asleep watching cartoons. Or his newest fetish of raiding my closet. He loves shoes. So much that is what he is calling everything right now. He loves to take his Nemo push car and use family members to arrange an obstacle course. Last night Mommy was the over pass, Daddy was a road block and sisters were cones (Note to self: he is NOT to get a drivers license....EVER). He adores Aileen, could care less about Fletcher, and for some reason no one knows, can't stand Lauren. No really, she looks at him and he screams like he is being murdered! He is Mommy's boy and Daddy is his jungle gym. I can't wait to see what this next year brings with him. Potty training, more words to scream at ass, new ways to make Mommy lose what little brain cells she has left. Wish us luck and send liquor, lots and lots of liquor!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday you little varmit! And for your birthday could you stop driving your mother insane?? Please!?!

1:05 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I cannot believe he's two already! Where does the time go??

9:53 AM  

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