Thursday, February 08, 2007

Toddler for sale

Adorable red headed 23 month old. Can be sweet when he is in trouble or wants something but has a tendency to engage in the following activities:
I will just cover today's events up to now and you will see why my toddler needs to be ebayed! Breakfast went fine. At 830 I feed Fletcher again and Aiden takes full advantage of when I feed the baby. Today he climbed to the top shelf of the linen closet (it is 7 shelves high) and got the extra deodorant that is up there. He proceeded to paint the walls and the stairs with deodorant. So I finish feeding Fletcher, clean up that mess and while I am cleaning that up Aiden climbs the cabinet on to the counter and proceeded to take the old coffee grounds out of the coffee pot and throw them around the kitchen. I clean that up and he climbs onto the kitchen table.
Must be a loving parent with no child younger then Lucife...I mean Aiden. Have big back yard and rubber room. Comes with toys and certificates of authenticity. Please contact ASAP if interested.


Blogger Darla said...

I will take him! Still looking for the rubber to adhere to the walls though. Ya might have to get back to me on that.

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he he I'll trade ya ;)

4:53 PM  
Blogger Midori said...

OH mate, I TOTALLY hear where you are coming from as I spend all day cleaning up "uh-oh" messes as well. This morning J got hold of D`s roll-on stick thing that contains some kind of stuff that helps back pain. NOT the kind of thing a toddler should be putting on his face... good thing I caught him before he reached his eyes!!! I only have one child and am close to insanity so I can`t imagine how crazy it is with four!!!

6:35 PM  

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