Are you really winning a battle if no one acknowledges it? Should you have to cattle prod those you love to take notice of major accomplishments in your life. Would you like an example? Here it comes. I quit smoking as I have shared on here January 11th. It wasn't and still isn't easy. Even today I had to fight the urge not to slap Will upside the head, run for the door with keys and wallet in hand and head straight for "Oh thank heaven, 7-11". But I fought it, just like I have for the past 33 days. And guess who hasn't noticed one freaking lick. You guessed it, the nag master himself. Now I realize that this doesn't sink into him like it does me, that this has been and always will be a major life accomplishment. But I don't think that I should have to write it in Neon lights that "Hey, I am quit for over a freaking month, would a pat on the back be to much?" Now maybe I am wrong on this but I think not.
33 days, 15 hours, 3 minutes and 40 seconds smoke free. 841 cigarettes not smoked.
$154.69 and 6 days, 10 hours of your life saved.
Oh and can't you tell that my kids have a rough life? LOL