As the autistic puzzle piece turns
The past month has been really rough on our family. Not just us but our extended family as well. Jerry and Brandy lost there house to a tornado, Irvin lost his warehouse to a fire, and we learned that our baby boy is autistic. We knew something wasn't right but never in our wildest nightmares did we envision that he would rank 4.5 out of 5 on the Navy's scale. He is severely autistic. We have been told that he may never be able to communicate or be "socially acceptable". Trying to get all the benefits and therapies together that he needs is just a horrendous battle that Will and I wage on a daily basis. I don't know where to start with all of this and I don't know how much time I will get to be on here so I will start from the beginning and go from there and add more as I get the time. I am going to start with the older bunch since so much of our lives are consumed by Fletcher right now that I need to acknowledge there amazing ability to adapt.
Aileen scored a 600 out of 600 on her SOL's this year. She graduated the fifth grade and is going to middle school and taking all advance placement classes. She was on honor roll all year and wrote the funniest yet most disturbing story I have ever read. Kind of reminded me of the "Walrus and the Carpenter". This summer she wants to get as involved with Fletcher and his therapy as we will let her. I don't know how we will tell her that he will never be "normal", then again, she isn't either :0) She has also decided after a lot of consideration that she wants to be a vegetarian. this should get interesting.
Lauren was our little star. She was the star in a school play and of an Egyptian themed musical this year. She has dramatic flare. She passed 2nd grade with flying colors and is very social. At least 4 times a day there is some kid at our door wanting to know if Lauren can come out and play. She loves making Fletcher laugh and reading to Aiden. She is still the sweetest girl I know and will do anything to help anyone. I hope she never loses that. She wants to get back into horse back riding and if we can qualify Fletcher for Equine therapy I will do my all to get her to be a part of that.
Aiden, my dear, loud, overly hyper Aiden. What can I say? The energizer bunny has nothing on him and I mean nothing. Eventually batteries die, this kids energy and personality do not. His imagination has kicked in full force and it is hilarious. Yesterday he and I had some mommy/buggy time in the pool and he kept telling me there was something on his foot. I looked and nothing was there. He told me that there was a shark on his big toe. LOL We went to Ocean Breeze water park a few days ago and the boy had no fear of any of the water slides. The wave pool would knock him down and he would get up laughing hysterically.
Will has been on leave for the past three weeks (thank the lord for that). He went back to work yesterday to find that he has been personally offered an instructor billet. There is no way we can take it but he if flattered none the less. He is doing the best he can with all that is going on. I had to permanently let go of my job as Fletcher has therapy 5 times a week and all the other appointments we have to attend to for him and the other kids. So he is stressed over the face that we are financially sinking but who isn't right now? I think that is all for the moment. Fletcher is up and getting antsy. I will try to share more about this all in the next few days. Just bear with us as we adjust to a radically new life.