As the family turns, rotates, spins out of control

Alright my turn to update you all. It has been a long week. Last weekend was the MRI from hell for me. Monday had to be better right? Whatever. The school calls and tells me that Lauren is bleeding from her ears. I have never moved so fast in my life. Take her to the clinic and they can't seem to find her ear drum and she has no hearing in that ear. So we go and see the ENT on Friday (the ninth). Tuesday I work, Wednesday take a field trip to Norfolk with myself, Terri, and 5 kids. We think it will be a good idea to go to NOB's commissary. We were wrong. Get home, make dinner, fix the Halloween decorations and pull of Will's surprise party, get the kids costumed and out the door and park myself in our graveyard to hand out candy. Thursday Will pulls a double at work, Friday I pull a double at work, Saturday work was long and disaster filled. I get off at 330, come home, start dinner and Lauren comes home crying because she hit her head on the pole at the park. I think nothing of this until she can't tell me her name, is slurring her words, and vomiting. Yup, she had a concussion so we spent a few hours and a cat scan at the ER. Oh yeah, this has been a fun week that I wish not to repeat.
Next week is more work and parent teacher conferences and all the doctors appointments. I really wish we could stop with all the torture of me. I will try to squeeze a few minutes out during the week to let you all know how things are going but I think Will and I are going to alternate this weekly update. Love to all and enjoy the pics!