Letter to Will
Dear Mr. Dobson,
We regret to inform you that your wife has once again bitten off more than she can chew. With the strained muscles in her arms, neck, and back she can barely move. Also the blisters on her hands and feet make the simplest task, taxing. Then there is the matter of your son. He has been such a "behaviorally challenged" child that we were forced to lock him in a closet by his toes and beat him with cooked carrots. At the rate that you wife works there should have been no issue of having the house painted. To date she only has 2 rooms done. We are very disappointed. Please return home as soon as possible so that we may address this issue with the appropriate actions.
Who is "They"?
P.S. We also regreat to inform you that your daughters have disappeared. They were last seen in the vicinity of the dining room where they were mistaken as dust mites by the house elves. Upon realizing their disappearnce Mrs. Dobson swept Aiden under her arm and hobbled from the house shreaking like a banshee. We hope to release her from the asylym upon your return home.
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