Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The "Lighter Side" of Dobby Land (Jul 10)

As you have all read by now, things here in Dobby Land continue to rise and fall on the roller coaster of life. Seeing how the days change at the came rate as Virginian weather, we never know how the day will end.

Our youngest son, Fletcher, has learned that screaming like his brother when he doesn't get his way will get someone to jump through hoops like the puppies in the Circus. Lets take his brothers juice cup for example. Today, Aiden was sitting on the couch watching his favorite movie; (will explain soon) when Fletcher finds that he can't find his juice cup. Low and behold he crawls to his brother like the wonderful Flash Lightning and grabs for his brother's cup. Then the thunder of Aiden's scream rattles through our ears like a pack of nails on a chalk board. Next you can hear mommy yell over the storm for Aileen to get Fletcher a juice cup quick. Next things we know, all is quite as both boys are happy again, for the second.

When Morgan says Aiden is learning how to be a mechanic, she does not mean that daddy and Aiden get out the tools, lift the truck onto jacks, and the lay under the truck talking about all the nuts and bolts. What she fails to mention is that Aiden is sitting under the truck with Daddy demanding he stop pulling on the break lines or the light wires. Then, before Daddy can even get under the truck, we hear from the lovely two-yers-old; "Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!" For those of you who work on cars, you know that "Shot!" equals $$$$$; and lots of it. Daddy, trying to explain that nothing is shot, the truck works fine, then has to pull the little one from the truck before something really becomes; "SHOT!"

"We love Lauren! We LOVE Lauren! WE LOVE LAUREN!" Yes, I must continue to say this through out the day to keep from tying here up by her toes and feeding her to her brothers. I never thought I would have to repeat the same instructions over and over and over ten times, and the task still not get done. I know that with kids you have to expect some delay, however sounding like a broken record that you can't shut off or throw out the window gets a little old fast. Especially when playing the record backwards comes out to "Can I play on the PlayStation now?" I love the fact that children can remember when the want to play games all day long, however can't remember to clean their room for five minutes. Need I say it again? "WE LOVE LAUREN!!!! REALLLLLYYYYYY!"

I am starting to fear for my own life here. As the days go on and on, Aileen has become more talkative about the boys around the neighborhood. Apparently Daddy saying that Home School is just around the corner is not getting thru her head. She does not seem to understand that all this "boy" talk is making her daddy want to by a shotgun that much sooner. On top of all that, my little girl is not being cooperative. Her body is developing at an insane rate, and her daddy does not know how to handle that just yet. Someone tell him it will all be ok. On second thought, save yourself and buy some body armor. I hear the local police will be willing to donate to the needy, and the world will be in need here soon.

Morgan has always been her little own puzzle, however when the experts (doctors) can't seem to find the edge pieces, you start to wounder if they will ever figure out that the picture they are putting together is supposed to be an angel, not the fourth circle of hell. On the plus side, we will always know that the messed up picture will land her with friends. Her loving husband (according to him) tells that he will be there for her no matter what. But sources (Morgan's head) suggests that he will always be there as long as a beer and a game controller is involved. BTW, Morgan, The Game will be available only on the LIFE CONSOLE in late 2009 and will be rated NC-25 but the Federal Gaming Commission. Reserve your copy today by calling 1-888-462-4355. Check your local phone for spelling. Also, Morgan will be starting her book soon. It will be titled "Things You Never Thought You Would Say To Your Kids!"

Will, a.k.a. Little Princess, has received the newest addition to his electronic family. The newest member arrived in the mail the other day, and he has not put it down just yet. Someone remind him to call the shipping company (his parents) and thank them for not leaving breathing holes in the box for the 36 hour trip across country. Work for him has been a lot of laughs here and there. He finally found the light at the end of the table which holds with it an inspector's stamp where he will be responsible for the overall integrity of the equipment leaving the shop. God help the pilots who dare fly in that plane. He is getting ready to meet the USS Lincoln, however is still looking for a way to get someone to take his place. At this moment, it looks like everyone is watching their own back. It is just a matter of time before they look to moving to the West Coast again, where the people are normal, (well, somewhat) and the cities aren't so A$% backwards. Wish them luck.

Well, that concludes this issue. Look next month (or so) for the next issue. Direct all questions to Morgan. Thanks


Blogger Darla said...

This is ridiculously awesome! Thanks for the update. Glad to know my godchildren are driving you crazy! Makes me want to get a few ... can I buy them at K-Mart? Blue light special? Do they come with a nanny?

10:17 PM  

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