Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Day by Day and Step by Step

I think I am finally getting functional again. It is still so hard and painful but I don't fly off the handle or grab an adult beverage. I take myself out of the situation. Just give me a little more time and hopefully I will get back to some form of normal. Thank you for all the thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. Keeping them coming because it helps so much!


Anonymous gin said...

BIG HUG :::SQUEEZE::: can you feel it? And we got wedding photos! I emailed you the goodness and blogged some nephew treats for your eye candy pleasure!

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs from here too:) It's not easy and you have a lot to deal with. Take the time you need but don't go off the deep end. You are so much stronger then you give yourself credit for lady! She is always with you! Always will be:)
Love ya

9:09 AM  

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