Friday, August 01, 2008

Project Lifesaver

This is a program that puts tracking devices onto autistic children, alzhiemers patients, or people with down's Syndrom. Will and I have been looking into for a few weeks because we realize that fletcher has a tendancy to wander and can open all the doors even when locked (Aiden trained him well). After last night it is no longer a discussion but a must.

Will left for the airport to pick up the girls and 10 minutes later there is a knock on my bedroom door. It is Deanna and Nate, HOLDING FLETCHER. He apparently left his room, went downstairs, undid the dead bolt (the top lock wasn't engaged so Will and the girls could get in), and walked his chubby butt out of the front door. by the grace of God, they were outside smoking and brought him in. He was standing right outside the front door, apparently looking for me as he kept signing "Mommy".

We called today and will hopefully have him enrolled in the program by the end of next week. If you know of anyone willing to sponsor an autistic child for this program, please let me know. there are plenty of families out there that need this and can't afford it. And it is tax deductable. We are working on getting sponsors now so we don't ever have to worry about these kids wandering off and ending in serious danger.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you help sponsor him? Where do you sign up? Is there a website? Is that what PL is? Help me Mo!!

Btw - don't you love the fact that the military brings brilliant people into our lives like Deanna and Nate that also seem to be able to bless us when we're about ready to have a heart attack?

9:28 AM  

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